Friday, September 2, 2011

Black Friday..dun dun duunnn

Having worked in retail for 3+ years, I have always been amazed and yet mortified at the people who are willing to get up at 3 am to go shopping on "Black Friday". For those of you who don't know, Black Friday is what retailers call the Friday after Thanksgiving. I have worked several 5 am or earlier shifts on this day and there are always at least 10 people waiting outside the building before we opened.

Why would anyone enjoy getting up that early to go shopping with other tired, cranky, (crazy!) people only to be shoved, pushed past, have your sweater you were planning on buying ripped out of your hands, or worst case, trampled in WalMart? The answer: SALES! Consumers love the word sale and are willing to go out of their way to save a couple bucks.

I even witnessed customers climbing up walls to get to flip-flops that were only 50 cents cheaper than they normally are..

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